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UnBiasIt Writing App

A real-time digital writing assistance tool to recognize and eliminate bias.


Making sure everything you communicate is free of bias while you write it.

Our criteria-driven, real-time writing app flags potential issues while you write.  Context-specific suggestions appear immediately to help with intent and tone to eliminate potential bias.

With our UnBiasIt Writing App, organizations can immediately enhance their social awareness.  Beyond the obvious HR and legal benefits, the UnBiasIt Writing App provides an immediate deterrent to the risks organizations now face in addressing social challenges.


Note:  Our beta app's technical efficacy has already been tested successfully and proven effective in Microsoft Word and Outlook environments.


UnBiasIt’s Bias Alert provides immediate impact in eliminating bias and misconduct by monitoring internal communications [e.g. email, text messages, etc.] for any indication of inherent bias or misconduct in over 150 languages.


Launching Fall 2023

Unified Global Archiving [UGA] is a colloquial name we often use to reference the Advantage Co’s collection of independently owned and operated tech companies.   The Advantage Co’s independently owned and operated tech companies are PremCloud Resources, ZNZ Resources, Arcivium for Azure, c1 Secure, c1 Advantage, Z Legal Data Resources, FedCloud Resources, UnBiasIt, Data Connect + Detect, and Watch Commander Data Resources.

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